Guest post from: Joe Castro
We watch entirely too much television at our house during the winter. With
the sun setting earlier nad it being so cold outside, what else is there to do?
Our direct tv
new york is always on, often in more than one room! The kids each have a
television in their room, my husband watched in the den and I even have one in
the kitchen. The kids usually want to watch something on Disney or Nickelodeon
but never the same thing. Hence the need for them to each have their own. Hubby
usually watches Sportscenter after work to catch up on football, basketball and
hockey. I have no interest in sports and no time to sit down and watch
television. Anything I watch has to be on in the kitchen where I am usually
cooking, cleaning or making the next day’s lunches. Luckily, winter doesn’t last
forever and in a couple of months the days will be longer and we can all go
outside for a walk and some fresh air!